HOW TO PREPARE FOR SSC EXAM Preparation Strategy For Class 10 Board Exam That I Use. Start early. Students tend to ignore their body clock. When they are on preparatory leave, most students study late into the night and end up sleeping in the morning. Start your timetable in advance, so you have enough time to revise everything. You might even need to make a few different timetables. Give a colour code to each subject. It will be easier to navigate your timetable this way and you will be able to see more easily if you have a fair balance between all of your subjects. Also, it looks visually appealing. The Planning. Don’t just dive straight into it. Think things through first. Break it down in achievable targets. Take a separate piece of paper. Then, under each subject, list all of the things that you need to know. This might be all the topic areas for that subject, what you covered each week in class/tuitions or the different sections of the exam. Be...